

On this page

Coexistence Queensland values the collaborative efforts of numerous organisations that play a part in contributing valuable resources which align with our mission of fostering sustainable coexistence between landholders, communities, and the energy and resources industries. We acknowledge and appreciate the resources and information provided, which play a crucial role in informing and supporting our work.

Carbon capture and storage

Capturing carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and storing them underground to prevent their release.


This factsheet clarifies some of the misconceptions around CCS.

This factsheet explores how carbon capture and storage has the potential to play an important role in lowering global emissions and the transition to a cleaner energy future.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.


Extraction of natural gas from wells drilled into underground reservoirs located on land.


This guide has been prepared to assist landholders and resource companies in understanding Queensland’s land access laws as provided in the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 and how they relate to the exploration and development of Queensland’s mineral and energy resources on private land.

GeoResGlobe allows you to find, view and interact with maps, imagery, property, resources and other specialist data.

The Landholder and Community Better Practice Engagement Guide has been designed to assist in the respectful engagement that needs to take place for the design, development, delivery, operation and/or maintenance of new or existing energy assets. In particular, it focusses on the transmission infrastructure associated with energy projects such as transmission lines and gas pipelines.

Discover how Queensland Renewable Energy Zones will enable the connection of 22GW of additional generation to meet future clean energy demand.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network Tool Kit has been developed to support First Nations people when they are engaged in discussions about renewable energy.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.

The FAQs page provides clear, concise answers to common questions about Queensland’s onshore gas industry, covering topics such as environmental impacts, landholder rights, dispute resolution, and regulatory frameworks.

The Interactive Gas Map gives you public access to easily view and download geospatial data and information relating to the various Queensland onshore gas industry activities that may be found within or surrounding your local government area.

See examples of the feedback we’ve submitted to government and non-government entities on policy positions that focus on managing and improving the sustainable coexistence of Queensland landholders, rural and regional communities, and the onshore gas sector.

Shared Landscapes demonstrates how two primary industries, gas and agriculture, operate side by side on the one landscape, while both making significant contributions to Queensland’s economy.


An energy carrier produced by splitting water molecules through electrolysis or from natural gas reforming and used for transportation or power generation.


There are many ways to extract hydrogen and turn it into fuel, but unfortunately, not all of them are sustainable. This is where the colour classification of hydrogen comes in.

Find out about the Queensland Government’s commitment to working with the private sector to accelerate the production, use and export of hydrogen and secure a hydrogen future for all Queenslanders.

This interactive map by Powerlink shows complete, current and planned transmission line projects, substation work and network connections. Search by region, project or project status.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.


The prospecting, exploration and extraction of mineral resources including coal and critical minerals.


This guide has been prepared to assist landholders and miners to understand compensation obligations for the grant and renewal of mining claims, mining leases, and related access land. Land owners entitled to compensation include owners of freehold land, Land Act 1994 lessees, trustees of reserves, and lessees under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Land Holding Act 2013.

This guide has been prepared to assist landholders and resource companies in understanding Queensland’s land access laws as provided in the Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 and how they relate to the exploration and development of Queensland’s mineral and energy resources on private land.

The Queensland Critical Minerals Strategy builds on the Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan (QRIDP), which provides a 30-year roadmap to ensure Queensland’s resources industry continues to create jobs and prosperity for generations to come, and brings clear focus to the development of a critical minerals sector.

GeoResGlobe allows you to find, view and interact with maps, imagery, property, resources and other specialist data.

The ESG Toolbox aims to help explorers navigate growing expectations and understand, improve and communicate their ESG credentials.

The Small Scale Mining Code provides guidelines and conditions to assist small scale miners conduct their activities and manage the land in a way that ensures the landscape upon which they work is kept in a reasonable state for current and future use.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network Tool Kit has been developed to support First Nations people when they are engaged in discussions about renewable energy.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.

Pumped hydro

Using surplus electricity to pump water uphill to a reservoir, which can later be released downhill through turbines to generate electricity.


This website explains what pumped hydro is, the role it plays as a form of sustainable clean energy, as well as information on Queensland projects and community involvement.

This interactive map by Powerlink shows complete, current and planned transmission line projects, substation work and network connections. Search by region, project or project status.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.


Large-scale solar panel installations that capture sunlight to convert into electricity.


Queensland Farmers’ Federation, in partnership with the Queensland Government, has developed this toolkit to assist you responding to and negotiating with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind.

The Landholder and Community Better Practice Engagement Guide has been designed to assist in the respectful engagement that needs to take place for the design, development, delivery, operation and/or maintenance of new or existing energy assets. In particular, it focusses on the transmission infrastructure associated with energy projects such as transmission lines and gas pipelines.

This interactive map by Powerlink shows complete, current and planned transmission line projects, substation work and network connections. Search by region, project or project status.

Discover how Queensland Renewable Energy Zones will enable the connection of 22GW of additional generation to meet future clean energy demand.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

The Queensland Solar Farm Guidelines have been prepared to help industry to work with community and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes as the large-scale solar sector develops.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network Tool Kit has been developed to support First Nations people when they are engaged in discussions about renewable energy.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.


The transportation of electricity over long distances using overhead powerlines supported by towers.


Queensland Farmers’ Federation, in partnership with the Queensland Government, has developed this toolkit to assist you responding to and negotiating with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind.

The Landholder and Community Better Practice Engagement Guide has been designed to assist in the respectful engagement that needs to take place for the design, development, delivery, operation and/or maintenance of new or existing energy assets. In particular, it focusses on the transmission infrastructure associated with energy projects such as transmission lines and gas pipelines.

This brochure explains how Powerlink consults with Traditional Owners and community groups to identify and manage significant cultural heritage areas and objects.

This webpage provides information on the type of activities that can and can’t be undertaken on or near Powerlink easements, maintenance works as well as terms and conditions.

The Land Access Protocol brochure informs landholders and stakeholders about the standards and commitments Powerlink and its representatives will adhere to when accessing properties to provide a high voltage transmission service.

This interactive map by Powerlink shows complete, current and planned transmission line projects, substation work and network connections. Search by region, project or project status.

Use Powerlink’s property search to find out whether there is an interest within 500 metres of a property for the purpose of future assets.

Discover how Queensland Renewable Energy Zones will enable the connection of 22GW of additional generation to meet future clean energy demand.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

The Queensland Solar Farm Guidelines have been prepared to help industry to work with community and stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes as the large-scale solar sector develops.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network Tool Kit has been developed to support First Nations people when they are engaged in discussions about renewable energy.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.


Wind turbines arranged in an open area to generate electricity from wind energy.


Queensland Farmers’ Federation, in partnership with the Queensland Government, has developed this toolkit to assist you responding to and negotiating with energy industry representatives about accessing land and developing renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind.

The Landholder and Community Better Practice Engagement Guide has been designed to assist in the respectful engagement that needs to take place for the design, development, delivery, operation and/or maintenance of new or existing energy assets. In particular, it focusses on the transmission infrastructure associated with energy projects such as transmission lines and gas pipelines.

Discover how Queensland Renewable Energy Zones will enable the connection of 22GW of additional generation to meet future clean energy demand.

This interactive electricity generation map includes existing facilities together with publicly announced renewable energy projects.

The First Nations Clean Energy Network Tool Kit has been developed to support First Nations people when they are engaged in discussions about renewable energy.

Working on the land can affect your health, both physically and mentally. If you or someone you know are in need of support, there are countless services available across numerous platforms (via phone, online, face-to-face).

If you need more information about the resources and energy sectors, check out these links to relevant organisations, research institutions, state and local government departments, private companies and industry peak bodies.

If you cannot find the resources you are looking for, or if you need more information, please contact us.