Where to find help
Links to relevant organisations associated with energy and resources activities.
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development Engagement and Compliance Unit (ECU) offers an integrated and coordinated approach to engagement relating to the entire resources sector and not just gas. The ECU engages across the resources sector, the broader community that host resource activity as well as undertaking compliance activities in relation to resource activities where required.
ECU staff are skilled in dispute resolution and land access issues and have contacts with other State Government staff such as groundwater experts. The unit coordinates responses to enquiries and complaints relating to all mineral, coal and petroleum (oil and gas) resource industries. The ECU also coordinates engagement and compliance activities.
Find out how they work to ensure that Queensland’s land, vegetation and mineral resources are managed fairly and responsibly to support sustainable economic prosperity and just outcomes for everyone.
Landholders wishing to lodge complaints about resource exploration or development activities should contact the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development Resource Community Infoline for assistance:
Click for more information on how Resources work to ensure that Queensland’s land, vegetation and mineral resources are managed fairly and responsibly to support sustainable economic prosperity and just outcomes for everyone.
For more information on Resources’ approach to regulation and compliance, download the Department of Resources ‘Regulatory Strategy 2021-25’, or the Department of Resources ‘Compliance Plan 2021-22’.
- Make an enquiry or complaint online
- Contact the department: www.nrmmrrd.qld.gov.au/contact-us
- Phone 13 71 07
The Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA) is an independent entity established under Chapter 3A the Water Act 2000. It is housed within the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water.
OGIA are primarily responsible for assessing and managing the impacts of groundwater extraction from resource operations (petroleum and gas, and mining) in cumulative management areas (CMAs). CMAs are declared where impacts from resource development may overlap. OGIA’s core functions are to:
- undertake evidence-based independent scientific assessment of cumulative groundwater impacts from resource operations;
- set management arrangements within CMAs; and
- assign statutory responsibilities to tenure holders for the implementation of management strategies within CMAs.
Currently there is one CMA in Queensland—the Surat CMA, which provides for ongoing assessment and management of cumulative impacts from petroleum and gas development. In addition, OGIA has two other functions:
- provide advice to state government agencies on matters relating to groundwater impacts from resource development
- maintain a database of information relating to groundwater impacts from resource development.
The cumulative impact assessment and management arrangements are set out in an underground water impact report (UWIR). The report is prepared every 3 years to accommodate new scientific research, monitoring, and changes in industry’s development plans.
- To contact OGIA: ogia@rdmw.qld.gov.au
- For more information: www.ogia.water.qld.gov.au
The Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DESI) protects and manages the State’s environment and natural resources with a gas industry focus on groundwater, chemical usage and waste disposal.
Before resource companies start any work on any operation, they must meet the requirements of a stringent approvals process that may vary according to the nature of activities (e.g. exploration, development or production). DES offer a wide variety of services, including but not limited to:
- Expert advice on ‘make good’ provisions of the Water Act 2000
- Environmental Authority (EA) definitions, offsets policy and best practice
- Environment Impact Statement (EIS) advice
- CSG water and environmental management.
Click for a range of relevant, accurate and current CSG information available to landholders and regional communities via the DESI ‘Coal Seam Gas Information for Community and Landholders’ webpage.
Click for more information on how DES helps manage and regulate various resource activities including petroleum (including oil and gas), greenhouse gas storage, coal seam gas water, fracking and noise, light and odour issues.
For more information on underground water management, download the ‘Quick Guide – Make Good Obligations–ESR/2016/2681’, or the ‘Underground water impact reports and final reports–ESR/2016/2000 (formerly EM1089)’.
- Phone: 13 74
- General enquiry email: info@des.qld.gov.au
- Website: www.desi.qld.gov.au
The Land Access Ombudsman (LAO) officially opened its doors on 14 September 2018 to provide a free land access dispute resolution service for landholders and resource companies in Queensland.
The LAO investigates alleged breaches of Conduct and Compensation Agreements (CCAs) and Make Good Agreements (MGAs) and makes practical recommendations to resolve disputes. The LAO can refer or recommend possible offences and breaches to the relevant government department and it also provides advice to relevant Queensland State Government agencies about systemic issues arising from land access disputes.
The LAO aims to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently, with as little formality and technicality as possible – recommendations made by the LAO are not binding and are provided to parties as information or advice only.
The LAO operates independently of the Queensland State Government and is not subject to direction by anyone. It is a free service for both landholders and resource companies in Queensland that have existing CCAs or MGAs.
For more information on the Land Access Ombudsman and what they do, download this fact sheet, or visit their ‘What we do’ webpage: www.lao.org.au.
To contact the LAO:
- Free call: 1800 717 550
- Web: www.lao.org.au
- Email: enquiries@lao.org.au
The Queensland Ombudsman is appointed under the Ombudsman Act 2001. The Ombudsman is an officer of the Parliament and is accountable to Parliament, not the government of the day. The Queensland Ombudsman has three main roles:
- to give people a timely, effective and independent way to have administrative actions of agencies investigated;
- to improve the quality of decision-making and administrative practice in government agencies; and
- oversight of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010.
The Queensland Ombudsman investigates complaints about the actions and decisions of state government departments and agencies (including state schools and TAFE), local councils and public universities. Our complaints assessment and investigation service is free and independent.
As well as assessing and investigating complaints, the Queensland Ombudsman also works with state government departments and agencies, local councils and public universities to improve their decision-making and administrative practices by:
- making recommendations based on an investigation;
- delivering training programs; and
- providing advice.
Click to learn more about what we can investigate, what to expect if you make a complaint to us, and our training and administrative improvement services.
The Queensland Ombudsman Office can be contacted by:
- Phone: (07) 3005 7000
- Web: www.ombudsman.qld.gov.au
- Online ‘Complaint Form’
- Post: GPO Box 3314, Brisbane QLD 4001
- In Person: Level 18, 53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4001.
The Land Court of Queensland (the Land Court) is a specialised judicial tribunal and court of record, established under the Land Court Act 2000. The Land Court hears and determines matters relating to land and natural resources.
The Land Court is committed to resolving disputes fairly, cost-effectively and efficiently. Before hearing and deciding a case, the Land Court encourages the parties to try to reach agreement using an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process. An ADR process is known as an “alternative” because it is a substitute to a court hearing and decision.
The Land Court encourages parties in all cases to try to reach agreement. The Land Court also encourages parties to consider using an ADR process before starting a case in the Land Court. The ADR processes available through the Land Court are:
- Mediation
- Preliminary Conferences
- Case Appraisal of Land Access Disputes (but only in limited circumstances)
- The Land Court has an expert ADR panel to help parties find a suitably qualified convenor for an ADR process – find out who is on the panel and how to contact them.
You can attend an interview at the Land Court Registry in person, by phone or via Skype. Other services offered by the Land Court include:
- Procedural Assistance Service
- Facilitated conferencing of parties
- ADR referral opportunities even when a case is being heard in the Land Court.
To contact the Land Court:
- Phone: (07) 3738 7199 (8:30am – 4:30pm)
- Email: landcourt@justice.qld.gov.au
- Web: www.courts.qld.gov.au/courts/land-court/procedural-assistance-service
- In Person: Lvl 8, 363 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000.
Useful links
Contacts and links to information across government bodies, industry groups, research organisations, legislation, and services relevant to Queensland’s energy and resources sectors.
Below is a list of Agricultural Industry Peak Bodies that are currently working within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
Below is a list of Queensland Government Departments and Statutory Authorities that are currently working within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
- Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing, and Regional and Rural Development
- Department of Primary Industries (DAF)
- Department of Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DESI)
- Department of Local Government, Water and Volunteers (DLGWV)
- Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP)
- Planning Issues and Interests (DSDIP)
- Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (OGIA)
- Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist
- Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ)
- Queensland Treasury
- Queensland Health
- Business Queensland
Below is a list of Queensland Local Governments that are currently operating within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
- Local Government Association of Queensland
- Balonne Shire Council
- Barcaldine Regional Council
- Banana Shire Council
- Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
- Burke Shire Council
- Central Highlands Regional Council
- Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Gladstone Regional Council
- Isaac Regional Council
- Maranoa Regional Council
- Mount Isa City Council
- Murweh Shire Council
- Quilpie Shire Council
- Western Downs Regional Council
Below is a list of Dispute Resolution Agencies and Services that are currently working within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
Below is a list of Key Gas Industry Research, Statistics and Information relating to Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
- Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
- AEP Key Industry Statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
- Bright-r
- Before You Dig Australia: BYDA
- Department of Environment and Science – Live Air Quality Data
- Department of Environment and Science – Search for Environmental Authorities
- Department of Resources – Tableau Software
- Queensland Treasury – Queensland Economy Economic Dashboard
- Queensland Treasury – Queensland Government Statistician’s Office
- EnergyQuest
- Energy Information Australia
- Australian Energy Resources Assessment
- NAB Natural Gas and LNG Market Outlook: November 2017
- Queensland Globe
- GeoResGlobe
- Business Queensland – MyMinesOnline
- Business Queensland – Search for Resource Authorities in your area
- GISERA (CSIRO) research projects
- University of Queensland Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre
Below is a list of Research Organisations that are currently conducting research within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
A regulatory framework covers the full life cycle of Queensland’s onshore petroleum and gas industry – from exploration to production and through to rehabilitation. Below is a list of key legislation included in the framework:
- Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 – Department of Resources
- Petroleum and Gas (Safety) Regulation 2018 – Resources Safety & Health Queensland
- Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 – Department of Resources
- Land Access Code 2016 – Department of Resources
- Environmental Protection Act 1994 – Department of Environment and Science
- Water Act 2000 – Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water / Department of Environment and Science
- Petroleum Act 1923 – Department of Resources
- Mineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014 – Department of Resources
- Mineral and Energy Resources (Financial Provisioning) Act 2018 – Queensland Treasury
- Biosecurity Act 2014 – Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Environmental Offsets Act 2014 – Department of Environment and Science
- Forestry Act 1959 – Department of Environment and Science
- Geothermal Energy Act 2010 – Queensland Treasury / Department of Resources
- Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2009 – Department of Resources
- Nature Conservation Act 1992 – Department of Environment and Science
- Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 – Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
- State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 – Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
- Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011 – Department of Environment and Science
- Land Act 1994
- Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003
- Queensland Heritage Act 1992
- Coexistence Commission Act 2013
- Public Health Act 2005
- Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995
- Planning Act 2016
- Human Rights Act 2019
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- Water Act 2007
- Native Title Act 1993
- Corporations Act 2001
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001
- Fair Work Act 2009
More detail on how these contribute to the regulation of the petroleum and gas industry can be found on the department websites (see above ‘Queensland Government Departments and Statutory Authorities’).
Below is a list of Queensland State Government Agencies and Regulators whose work is related to water use within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
Below is a list of some of the Gas Companies that are currently operating within Queensland’s onshore gas industry:
- Armour Energy
- Arrow Energy
- Australian Gas Company (AusGasCo)
- Bengal Energy Limited
- Blue Energy
- Bridgeport (New Hope Group)
- Central Petroleum
- Comet Ridge
- Denison Gas
- Galilee Energy
- Icon Energy Limited
- Key Petroleum Limited
- Metgasco
- Origin Energy
- Pure Energy
- Shell QGC
- Santos
- Senex Energy
- State Gas Limited
- Vintage Energy
- Westside
Below is a list of Gas Industry Peak Bodies that are currently working within Queensland’s onshore gas industry: