
What are your views on the onshore gas industry?

Are you a community member with experiences or thoughts about the onshore gas industry? Now is the time to have your say! Take part in a survey to assist the GasFields Commission Queensland in better understanding your community.

Your insights will contribute to a better understanding of community views to support respectful and balanced relationships in the gas fields. The survey only takes about 15 minutes and can be completed on your phone, tablet or computer. Participation is 100% confidential so your personal details will not be disclosed.

By leveraging Voconiq’s expertise in community engagement and research methodologies, the survey seeks to provide invaluable insights into the major issues impacting communities and identify opportunities for improvement.

The survey aims to:

  • Gain deeper insights into community priorities and concerns regarding onshore gas development and operation.
  • Assess perceptions of GasFields Commission Queensland’s effectiveness and reputation within the communities it serves.
  • Strengthen trust and relationships between stakeholders through transparent and confidential communication channels.

All surveys are conducted by Voconiq with 100% confidentiality, ensuring that no personal information is shared with GasFields Commission Queensland.

Have your say

For more information about the survey and to take part, please visit: voconiqlocalvoices.com/gasfieldscommissionqld

Survey closes 5pm, Monday 18 March 2024.

About Voconiq
Voconiq Local Voices is a unique community engagement program, giving communities around the world the opportunity to confidentially express their opinions with industry or organisations in their area. The insights generated help build stronger relationships.

About GasFields Commission Queensland
GasFields Commission Queensland is an independent statutory body that facilitates trustworthy relationships and respectful communication between Queensland’s onshore gas, agriculture, business and government sectors.