
Seeking participants for UQ’s CSG water reuse study

The University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute is conducting research on the broader range of social, economic and environmental values associated with the reuse of water from extractive industries using Surat Basin CSG water reuse schemes as a case study.

Researchers are hoping to interview a diverse range of stakeholders in the Surat Basin to hear their views on how CSG water is or could be reused. Particularly, UQ would like to hear about the different values (positive or negative) that are, or could be derived from the management of CSG water in order to maximise benefits and minimise impacts for communities.

Interviews will take around 45 minutes and will be anonymous and confidential. They can be undertaken online or in person at a time and location that suits participants, including evenings and weekends.

This research is a PhD project undertaken by Sarah Shalsi under the supervision of Dr Kathy Witt, Associate Prof Glen Corder, and Dr Kamila Svobodova. It is an independent project funded entirely by The University of Queensland Scholarship for PhD Candidature.

Participation will contribute to research findings and the development of a model for beneficial reuse of water (in mining and other contexts) to satisfy a broader range of stakeholder values.

To register your interest to participate or for further information please contact Sarah Shalsi via s.shalsi@uq.edu.au.